路由# 321076470

退休 规划指南

2020年8月13日 6分钟

你可能有一个非常理想主义的退休愿景——做所有你现在似乎没有时间做的事情. But how do you pursue that vision? Social Security may be around when you retire, 但你从山姆大叔那里得到的福利可能不足以为你的退休生活提供足够的收入. 如今,很少有雇主提供传统的养老金计划,保证你退休时有一笔特定的收入. 最重要的是, 人们的寿命越来越长,必须找到办法为这些额外的退休岁月提供资金. 这些令人大开眼界的事实表明,合理的退休计划至关重要.

There's good news: 由于有许多可用的工具和资源,退休计划比以前更容易了. Here are some basic steps to get you started.

Determine your retirement income needs

Determine the percentage of your current income

讨论期望的退休年收入占当前收入的百分比是很常见的. 这一比例可能在60%到90%之间,甚至更高,这取决于你与谁交谈. The appeal of this approach lies in its simplicity. 然而,问题是它并没有考虑到你的具体情况. 为了确定你的具体需求,你可能需要估计一下你每年的退休开支.

Estimate your annual retirement expenses

用你的 目前的费用 作为一个起点,但请注意,到你退休的时候,你的开支可能会发生巨大的变化. If you're nearing retirement, 你目前的开支和退休开支之间的差距可能很小. If retirement is many years away, the gap may be significant, and projecting your future expenses may be more difficult.

Don’t forget inflation

Remember to take inflation into account. 过去20年的年均通货膨胀率约为2%. 请记住,你的年度开支在退休期间可能会有所波动. For instance, if you own a home and are paying a 抵押贷款如果你在退休前还清了抵押贷款,你的开支就会下降. 其他费用,如健康相关费用,可能会在你退休后增加. 对你的开支做一个现实的估计,你就会知道你需要多少年收入才能过上舒适的生活.


计算差距 between retirement income and expenses

Once you have estimated your retirement income needs, take stock of your estimated future assets and income. 这些钱可能来自社会保障、工作中的退休计划、兼职工作和其他来源. 如果估计显示你未来的资产和收入将达不到你所需要的, the rest will have to come from additional personal retirement savings.

Figure out how much you'll need to save

By the time you retire, 你需要一笔储备金,为你提供足够的收入来填补其他收入来源留下的缺口. But exactly how much is enough? The following questions may help you find the answer:

你现在和退休后的储蓄增长率是多少? Be conservative when projecting rates of return.

Do you expect to dip into your principal? 如果是这样,你可能会比只靠投资收益生活的人更快地耗尽你的储蓄. Build in a cushion to guard against these risks.

At what age do you plant to retire? The younger you retire, the longer your retirement will be, and the more money you'll need to carry you through it.

What is your life expectancy? The longer you live, the more years of retirement you'll have to fund.

Build your retirement savings fund: 存钱,存钱,再存钱

当你大致知道你需要多少钱时,你的下一个目标就是存下这笔钱. 首先,你必须制定一个适合你的退休储蓄计划. Assume a conservative rate of return (e.g., 5% to 6%), 然后大致计算一下,从现在到退休,你每年需要存多少钱才能达到你的目标.

The next step is to put your savings plan into action. 什么时候开始都不嫌早(理想情况下,20多岁就开始存钱)。. To the extent possible, 你可能想要安排从你的薪水中直接提取一定的金额,并自动投资到你选择的账户中.g., 401(k) plans, payroll deduction savings). 这种安排减少了冲动或不明智消费的风险,这会威胁到你的储蓄计划——看不见, 不在心上. If possible, save more than you think you’ll need to provide a cushion.

理解你的 investment options

You need to understand the types of investments that are available, and decide which ones are right for you. If you don't have the time, 能源, or inclination to do this yourself, hire a financial professional. 他或她将向您解释可用的选项,并将帮助您选择适合您目标的投资, 风险承受能力, 时间范围. Note that many investments may involve the risk of loss of principal.

Know the types of retirement plans – and then use the right savings tools

以下是最常见的退休计划和储蓄工具, but others are also available.

Employer-sponsored retirement plans that allow employee deferrals (like 401(k), 403(b), 简单的, and 457(b) plans) are powerful savings tools. 你的捐款来自你的工资,作为税前捐款(减少你当前的应税收入),任何投资收益都是递延的,直到提取. 这些计划通常包括与雇主匹配的供款,应该是你为退休储蓄的首选. 401(k)、403(b)和457(b)计划也允许向罗斯账户缴纳税后养老金. While Roth contributions don't offer an immediate tax benefit, qualified distributions from your Roth account are free of federal, and possibly state, 所得税.

ira,就像雇主赞助的退休计划一样,都以收入的递延纳税为特色. If you are eligible, 传统的个人退休账户可以让你通过可扣除的供款来降低当前的应税收入. 取款, 然而, 作为普通收入纳税(除非你有不可扣除的捐款?, in which case a portion of the withdrawals will not be taxable).

Roth ira 不允许扣税,但在一定条件下允许完全免税提款. 有了这两种类型,你通常可以从广泛的投资中选择为你的个人退休账户提供资金.

年金 are contracts issued by insurance companies. 年金 are generally funded with after-tax dollars, 但他们的收益是递延所得税的(你要为代表收益的分配部分纳税). There is generally no annual limit on contributions to an annuity. 典型的年金提供从未来某个时间开始的收入支付,通常是退休. The payments may last for your life, for the joint life of you and a beneficiary, 或指定年限(担保以开证保险公司的理赔能力为准). 年金 may be subject to certain charges and expenses, including mortality charges, 投降的指控, administrative fees, 还有其他收费.

